Zixi, Media Links, Vista Worldlink Re-Up With SVG

The Sports Video Group is pleased to announce that Zixi, Media Links, and Vista Worldlink have renewed their corporate sponsorships. Zixi’s software platform transforms the Internet into a broadcast-quality, global video delivery network. Media Links is a developer and manufacturer of broadcast network infrastructure and media transport solutions. Vista Worldlink is a transmission service provider.

zixilogoMedia organizations, service providers, and technology companies enrich their user experiences, create new services, and reduce operating costs by working with Zixi solutions. Zixi is a privately held company led by media industry veterans and IP video experts, with company headquarters in Boston, MA.

To learn more about the company’s product line, visit www.zixi.com.

RZ_Logo_Medialinks_100proz_cmykMedia Links’ mission is to offer broadcasters and network providers technology, enabling them to economically transport the complete suite of content signals – 4K, HD/SD video, audio or data – onto their multi-service IP/Ethernet networks.

For more information, visit www.medialinks.com.

Vista_Worldlink_Logo_Text_800x390_72dpiVISTA Worldlink is a transmission and production services provider provisioning satellite capacity, mobile and fixed uplinks, fiber optics and cutting edge streaming, archiving, creative and emerging technology solutions. VISTA Worldlink is a full-service provider delivering world class customer service to the sports, entertainment, news, corporate, religious, government and PR industries worldwide.

Visit the company’s website at www.vistaworldlink.com for more.

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