Live From MLB All-Star 2021: Fox Sports Lead Tech Producer Tom Lynch Spotlights the Denver Compound

While some remote efforts back to L.A. are in place, Fox Sports' forces on the ground at Coors Field are formidable

The 2021 MLB All-Star Game has brought Fox Sports back onsite for a huge production and operational effort for the Midsummer Classic. This year’s event marks the first time it is broadcast in 4K HDR and features a strong arsenal of 50 1080p HDR cameras, 75 microphones, advanced ball-tracking technology, and much more.

Fox Sports Lead Tech Producer Tom Lynch spoke with SVG about the layout of the compound outside Denver’s Coors Field and shares the thrill of being back onsite after such a long time away.

MORE: Live From MLB All-Star 2021: Fox Sports To Spotlight 91st Midsummer Classic With 4K HDR, Dual Megalodons and FlyCams, Offsite Help From the Vault

For more coverage from the 20201 MLB All-Star Game in Denver, click HERE.

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