Hitachi develops camera tech that can capture video images without using a lens reports that Japanese multinational conglomerate company Hitachi Ltd. on Tuesday said it has developed a camera technology that can capture video images without using a lens, the first of this kind in Japan.

“This camera technology makes it possible to make a camera lighter and thinner since a lens is unnecessary,” Xinhua news agency cited the Tokyo-based company as saying.

The new technology also “allow the camera to be more freely mounted in devices such as mobile devices and robots at arbitrary positions without imposing design restraints”, said the company.

The technology can adjust focus after image capture by using a film imprinted with a concentric-circle pattern instead of a lens, said Hitachi, aiming to commercialise it around 2018.

“Moreover, since it acquires depth information in addition to planar information, it is possible to reproduce an image at an arbitrary point of focus even after the image has been captured,” it said.


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