3D Courses

Everything Is First!

The laugh-getting tag line for Garrison Keillor’s weekly Lake Wobegon stories is that “all of the children are above average.” It’s funny because it’s impossible. So, too, with 3D; not […]  More

3D and Not 3D: The Knowledge Returns

Last year was a wonderful one for 3D.  In terms of worldwide and domestic box-office grosses, six of the top-10 movies released in 2010 were in 3D. And by year’s […]  More

How Different Is 3D?

When you watch a televised advertisement for an automobile, do you fear there’s a moving car in the room with you? I didn’t think so. But more on that later. […]  More

Samsung Unveils Ultra-Definition 3D TV

By Michael Silbergleid ExpertReviews.co.uk reports that Samsung has offered a sneak preview of its latest prototype television technology, a 70-inch device which offers full 3D ‘ultra-definition’ video by increasing the resolution […]  More

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