FFV has off-road adventure for CORR Truck Series
Story Highlights
By Andrew Lippe
Fast Forward Video’s new Outrider CF digital video recorder (DVR) was used by Inertia Unlimited’s own CF solid-state recorder to record in-vehicle broadcasts from race cars that bounced and jostled for position during the CORR Offroad Truck Series in Crandon, WI earlier this month. The CORR race will air in the fall on the SPEED Channel.
“It was designed to record in high vibrations and in motion environments,” says Marc Playdon, FFV sales director.
The Outrider DVR measures only 4.69-inches by 2.21-inches and its small size makes it applicable for recording in a number of environments. The Outsider is also portable and OEM integratable. “We have used it in race cars, installed it on downhill skiers and even put it on parachuters,” says Playdon.
The Inertia Unlimited’s CF recorder weighs a mere 0.62 pounds and measures only 6x3x0.82 inches. The exterior housing is composed of anodized machined aluminum for rugged environments, and its video connectors are pin compatible with a Sony Handycam.
During the CORR Series race, 26 cameras recorded the action directly
from the race cars. “We recorded two extreme G-force crashes. The
on-board recordings in those crashes were flawless. That just wouldn’t
be possible with a tape-based recorder,” said Jeff Silverman, president
of Inertia Unlimited.
Despite the hostile environment the DVR recorded up to 90 minutes of high-quality video at about 4:1 compression on compact flash cards. It can record a maximum of two hours when using 20:1 compression.
“The flash cards are easily removed and recorded material can be transferred to the PC and divided into clips,” says Playdon. The Outrider can be powered by 4 AA batteries or a DC power source and allows for up to 32 GB of storage space.
The Outrider features NTSC/PAL compatibility, composite and Y/C inputs
and outputs, pre-event record, and loop record of PC-viewable QuickTime
files or secure video files. The recorder provides a 720 x 486 image
pixel resolution and offers video capture and playback at 60 fields and
has a video output greater then 550 lines at 4:1 compression using
scalable motion JPEG compression. Motion JPEG (joint photographic
experts group) is compression to every individual frame of a sequence.
Using a pixel block match system that minimizes image degradation,
video is retained in every frame in clear visual crispness.
Outrider options include record, seek, or scan forward or backwards, single frame forward or release as well as deleting clips and play or pause.