Crewing Alliance Releases Crewer Study of Salaries

The Crewing Alliance, a nationwide coalition of television crewers providing top-quality freelance mobile television technicians for remote broadcasts, has released the results of a survey of industry crewers from across the country that lays out salaries for technical positions in different markets. The survey includes the current rates for every crew position in every major sports market. “It’s the perfect tool for any client or packager putting budgets together for upcoming events,” says Total Production Services’ Steve Paino.

The survey also indicates that each local crewer has unrivaled knowledge of the most up-to-date, competitive rates and union/non-union members within the market, notes Clarion Production Services’ Kelley Dorner.

Included in the survey are the current rates for every major sports market, interesting statistics about the number of union vs. non-union markets, and which markets are paid via 1099 versus W2. For the results of the survey, click here.

To find the best local crewer in each market, visit the Crewing Alliance website at

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