Spring Tech

SVG SportsTech On Demand: TVU Network's Ken Valdiserri on Supporting the Industry with the Project Pool Feed Initiative

In an effort to keep the broadcast-technology community informed this spring, throughout April, SVG is hosting a series of SportsTech On Demand video interviews with executives from the industry’s top technology vendors discussing their latest product releases and company news. Our Brandon Costa sat down with Ken Valdiserri, VP, sports and entertainment sales, TVU Networks, about the company’s recent activity.

To assist the sports community in this challenging time, TVU Networks is making its Project Pool Feed Initiative available to all. This solution enables content creators to feed content to local market TV stations for daily sports newscasts during a time when team officials are relying on news stations to provide the real-time sharing of relevant and behind the scenes coverage. During the remainder of March and April, TVU will make available for free and waive all monthly subscription fees and software costs for sports teams and university athletic departments providing content to TV stations taking part in Project Pool Feed.

For more interviews and news from around the sports-video-production industry, visit SVG’s SportsTech Blog.
For more information on TVU Networks, please contact Ken Valdiserri at [email protected].

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