Spring Tech

SVG SportsTech On Demand: Skyline Communications' Thomas Gunkel on the Influence of DataMiner in a Remote World

In an effort to keep the broadcast-technology community informed this spring, throughout April, SVG is hosting a series of SportsTech On Demand video interviews with executives from the industry’s top technology vendors discussing their latest product releases and company news. Our Ken Kerschbaumer sat down with Thomas Gunkel, market director, broadcast, Skyline Communications, about the company’s efforts.

Recently, the coronavirus has proven that everybody needs to cope with unforeseen disruptions, so turning your company into a data-driven and agile operation is of the highest importance. End-to-end orchestration platforms like DataMiner are key to success right now and in the future to enable users to dynamically adapt to ever-changing needs. Remote and distributed productions are just one example of how DataMiner can help secure your business and use your resources more efficiently than ever before.

For more interviews and news from around the sports-video-production industry, visit SVG’s SportsTech Blog.
For more information on Skyline Communications, please contact Roger Bijos at [email protected].

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