Spring Tech

SVG SportsTech On Demand: ChyronHego's Niall Hendry Reveals Latest Enhancements to Paint, VP, and Click Effects Platforms

In an effort to keep the broadcast-technology community informed this spring, throughout April, SVG is hosting a series of SportsTech On Demand video interviews with executives from the industry’s top technology vendors discussing their latest product releases and company news. Our Jason Dachman sat down with Niall Hendry, senior product manager, sports broadcasting and venues, ChyronHego, about the company’s efforts.

Hendry details all the latest features in ChyronHego’s Paint 8.1 release, including Multi-UHD stitched replay module, the AllCam sports PTZ “time machine”, HTML5 remote app and H.264 output allowing users to control Paint from any device and host the software anywhere.

In addition, FIFA has certified ChyronHego’s Virtual Placement 7.3 for VOL (virtual offside line) and VAR (video assisted review) workflows. VP 7.3 also features AI-based auto chromakey managing changeable environmental conditions, transfer of calibration metadata over audio, VANC and UDP for remote & downstream workflows, and a virtual basketball module.

Click Effects 3.5, the latest edition of ChyronHego’s venue-focused graphics system, features GSync GPU synchronisation across multiple systems, combined GPU & SDI workflow, HDR support, side-by-side authoring with its PRIME platform and Paint watch folder integration, pushing telstrated replays into in-venue screens.

For more interviews and news from around the sports-video-production industry, visit SVG’s SportsTech Blog.

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