Spring Tech

SVG SportsTech On Demand: Caringo's Adrian Herrera Unveils New Object-Storage Swarm Server Appliances

In an effort to keep the broadcast-technology community informed this spring, throughout April, SVG is hosting a series of SportsTech On Demand video interviews with executives from the industry’s top technology vendors discussing their latest product releases and company news. Our Jason Dachman sat down with Adrian Herrera, VP, marketing, Caringo, about the company’s efforts.

Adrian J Herrera of Caringo shares news of Caringo’s new line of S3-enabled object storage appliances—Swarm Servers. Caringo Swarm is used by professional sports teams and major services like Disney+ to ensure immediate access to archived videos for production and to enable streaming services. The on-prem private cloud storage solution starts at 168TBs in a Single Server Appliance, and scales to 100s of PBs in multi-server configurations. This latest addition to the Caringo product line enables customers to reduce costs while supporting the growing demand for instantly accessible data and content for collaboration, streaming, and monetization.

For more interviews and news from around the sports-video-production industry, visit SVG’s SportsTech Blog.

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