Spring Tech

SVG SportsTech On Demand: Sportzcast's Mike Connell on the New SportzSuite, SportzDesigner, and CloudFX Tools

In an effort to keep the broadcast-technology community informed this spring, throughout April, SVG is hosting a series of SportsTech On Demand video interviews with executives from the industry’s top technology vendors discussing their latest product releases and company news. Our Brandon Costa sat down with Mike Connell, president, Sportzcast, about the company’s efforts.

For aspiring broadcasters looking to get professional looking graphics and scoreboard data into their production system as a budget-friendly cost and with minimal technical overhead, Sportzcast can do this with its new resources and tools making broadcasts simpler and more efficient. The company is introducing its SportzSuite, SportzDesigner and CloudFX. SportzSuite is Sportzcast’s new web based graphics composition design and distribution tool. SportzDesigner is Sportzcast’s simple drag and drop graphic layout tool. CloudFX is a simple plugin that provides an internal NDI, HTML, or PNG graphics channel available to your production system anytime and anywhere.

For more interviews and news from around the sports-video-production industry, visit SVG’s SportsTech Blog.
For more information on Sportzcast, please contact Michael Connell at [email protected].

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